Congratulations! You passed all of the requirements for the Associate Android Developer Certification exam!
I recently took a break between terms of Udacity’s Android Developer Nanodegree program so that I could take Google’s Associate Android Developer exam. Finally, the results are in! Pretty happy to pass it on the first try. Queue the emojis! 😜😁
There are currently only 156 of us in the alumni directory for all of North America.
(I have also since graduated from Udacity!)
Are you certified? Join my group on LinkedIn: Google Certified Associate Android Developers.
Have you thought about signing up? The exam’s Code of Ethics prevents me from saying too much, but I can provide a bit more info if there’s interest.
Test purchased 4/15.
Test taken 4/20.
Interview completed 4/21.
Received results on 4/30.
Received digital certificate on 5/2.
I emailed TrueAbility about Alumni Directory 5/15.
Received survey on certification program 5/17.
Received form for inclusion on Alumni Directory 5/21.
Finally featured in the Alumni Directory on 6/18.